Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional

Una manera de hacer Europa


16 entities participated today in the technical visit to the WWTPs of Gondomar, Baiona and Nigrán as part of the 1.9 million euro tender for a system to optimize energy consumption and guarantee the quality of the water discharged from the wastewater trea

La jornada estuvo presidida por la conselleira de Infraestruturas e Mobilidade, Ethel Vázquez, que subrayó que se trata de conseguir una gestión más eficiente empleando herramientas de inteligencia artificial. El evento se celebró esta mañana en las instalaciones de las EDAR de Gondomar, Baiona y...

The Xunta bids for 1.9 M€ a system to optimize energy consumption and ensure the quality of the water discharged into the treatment plants

The system will analyze data in real time to facilitate decision-making in wastewater treatment plant management and will implement the principles of the circular economy in the water cycle. The contract, for which companies can submit bids until December 21, has a 15-month term, including the...